Sunday, July 27, 2008

Art Ruckus Shop Now Open!

Greetings, friends,

I'm pleased to announce that the Art Ruckus gallery and shop is now open and ready for your perusal:

Above: New work now up in the shop. "The Transmutation." 24 X 24.

As you'll see, the shop link on my website leads you directly to my page on Artbreak, which is an online community for artists to show and sell their work.

I've chosen to set up my shop through Artbreak because I like the community feel of the site, and the sense of being linked to other artists all around the world who are sharing and selling their artwork.

Through this site I've had the pleasure of connecting with artists from Argentina, Poland, Spain, the U.K., Malaysia and many other places around the globe. What a modern privilege and delight!

Above: More recent work. "Dancing Man at Cantina." 32 X 18.

I hope that you will also enjoy visiting this site, browsing my shop, and seeing the work of other international artists. You can view all of the artwork without establishing an account, but if you'd like to purchase or comment upon my or another artist's work, you'll need to set up an account, which is free and only takes a moment.

I'll now be uploading all of my most recent work directly to the gallery/shop, so please check back in periodically to see what's new.

Happy browsing and thank you for your continued support!



franvisions said...

Many compliments for your shop, it looks great

Amita Schmidt, LCSW said...

Go girl!